The Best-Selling Singers, Musicians or Bands That Come from Each State

Alaska – Portugal. The Man

‘Portugal. The Man’ came together back in 2001 at the Wasilla High School in Wasilla, Alaska. The lead singer is John Baldwin Gourley, and his backup consists of Zach Carothers, Kyle O’Quin, Jason Sechrist, Eric Howk, and Zoe Manville. They are known for their alternative/Indie/Psychedelic Rock/Pop music.

Portugal The Man, Festival Paredes de Coura, Portugal

Portugal The Man, Festival Paredes de Coura, Portugal. Photo By Dosfotos/Shutterstock

‘Portugal. The Man’ has received 21 award nominations throughout their career and won eight of them, including a Grammy for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance in 2018. Throughout their career, they have given back to the community in many different ways. They raised $1 million to help put musical instruments into schools throughout America, raised money for mental health awareness, and after one concert, raised money for endangered Sumatran tigers.