John Denver Had Never Even Been to West Virginia

John Denver’s song was released in 1971, and like the singer-songwriter himself, the song has been debated, discussed, and holds an almost mythical status that people still talk about to this day. And it’s been 50 years. So, what’s the big deal? Well, for one, it’s John Denver, and he’s a legend. Then there’s all the stuff about the meaning of the song, like how it was written by two of his friends, how none of them were ever in West Virginia, and how the song was.

West Virginia Postcard / John Denver / Taffy Nivert, John Denver / John Denver.

Source: Getty Images

This song didn’t just make Denver an international star; the heartfelt lyrics still resonate deeply with people in and outside of West Virginia. Come with me on a journey surrounding the lyrics and their meanings. And yes, you should probably play the song while reading (if you can)!