Blind Melon’s No Rain Was More Than a One-Hit Wonder

The Girl in the Bee Outfit

No Rain was released in 1992 (it was rereleased in 1993 as a CD/vinyl set), and the album Number Three featured a photo of a girl in a bee outfit. That girl was Blind Melon drummer Glenn Graham’s sister, Georgia, who was 10 at the time. When it came time to make the music video for No Rain, they wanted the same character to be in it.

A photo of the album cover.

Source: Amazon

So, they searched for a similar-looking girl to star in it and, of course, wear the bee costume. That girl was Heather DeLoach. The young girl, as you surely remember, played a bespectacled kid who tap-dances in a bee outfit and then runs off to find her bee friends.