Who is Linda Thompson, and How Did She Become “The Ex” to Elvis, Bruce Jenner, and David Foster?

Well Hello, Elvis

1972 wasn’t just the year that Linda Thompson won a few beauty pageants; it was also the year she met her first love. Due to living a strict and faith-oriented life early on, Thompson didn’t even think about nor have the time to fall in love in high school or in college. But when she did fall in love, she fell hard. And for someone quite special.

Elvis Presley with Linda Thompson in Las Vegas

Elvis Presley with Linda Thompson in Las Vegas. Photo By Mediapunch/Shutterstock

That’s right: her first lover was none other than Elvis Presley himself. How many can say that their boyfriend was a rock god? I mean, who can say that their boyfriend was the king of anything, really? Well, Elvis met Linda, who was 15 years younger than him, at a private movie screening in 1972. But Elvis was fresh out of a relationship…