When Karaoke Kills: Looking Into the “My Way Killings”

13 Deaths in 16 Years

At least that’s what people discovered when a wave of karaoke-related killings occurred between 2002 and 2012. Within ten years, 12 deaths were reported (there may have been even more) in connection with singing Frank Sinatra’s hit song. While some individuals were killed for singing out of tune, others were taken out for hogging the microphone, and there were even a few who were killed for singing the song for hours, again and again, and again.

Frank Sinatra singing at Madison Square Garden.

Photo by Art Zelin/Getty Images

To give a little perspective, singing one song with a karaoke machine costs what would be the equivalent of ten cents. It’s an affordable pastime in a country where 80% of its people earn less than $2 a day.