Rita Coolidge Went From Abused Muse to Delta Queen

The Decade of Decadence

Coolidge calls it the decade of “blue jeans and limousines,” when rock stars were living their best lives as “counterculturists.” Thanks to memoirs like these (not to mention Patti Boyd’s and Marianne Faithfull’s), we get a candid look into what it was really like to live among the rock star elite (as well as a reminder that what can be one person’s dream is another person’s nightmare).

A picture of Rita and Kris during a party.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“I just cried and felt this great relief and release that it was done. And then, also, I’m very nervous because I am very frank and I don’t hold back,” Coolidge said of writing the memoir.

It’s okay, Rita, frank is what we want…