Bobbie Brown, the “Cherry Pie” Girl, Has Stories to Tell

There’s Nothing Like a Juicy Rock ‘n’ Roll Memoir

Before reality TV, we didn’t really get the real deal when it came to seeing the train wrecks of the rich and the famous. Of course, the tabloids have been around for a long time, but they’re never as reliable or nearly as captivating as hearing the wild stories right from the horse’s mouth, which is usually the estranged wife or some delusional has-been.

Jerry Dixon and Jani Lane of the band Warrant perform on stage.

Photo by Larry Marano/Getty Images

There’s really nothing quite like a juicy rock ‘n’ roll memoir filled with bittersweet stories of what it was like to be part of the scene. For the most part, rock memoirs are written by rock stars themselves (usually the self-important narcissists) who seemingly just want to brag about the women they were with in their heyday.