How Weird Al Went From Silly to Stardom Overnight

Entertainment Wasn’t His Family Business

Weird Al Yankovic seems to be the only person in his family who works in the music industry, but his family name definitely tells us a different story. Unfortunately, Weird Al is not related to Frankie Yankovic, a phenomenon in the world of polka music. He’d even go as far as calling himself the polka king!

Weird Al Yankovic plays an accordion / Frankie Yankovic is playing the accordion

Photo by Paul Natkin, Getty Images / GAB Archive, Redferns, Getty Images

Weird Al and Frankie aren’t related, despite their shared family name. It’s totally reasonable for anyone to infer that the two might share a bloodline, and though they don’t, there is something great to report; they are friends in real life! They even performed together on one of Frankie’s albums.