When British Rock Took America By Storm

America Had More Than Enough Rock and Roll in the ‘50s

America already had a rich rock n’ roll scene in the ’50s, and it seemed like England had little to offer the country. America had Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Little Richard. England had (for the most part) cheesy Elvis imitators and dull songs. British writer Nik Cohn explained, “Nobody could sing, and nobody could write. And, in any case, nobody gave a damn.”

Elvis Presley performing outdoors on a small stage to the adulation of a young crowd.

Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images

But in the U.S., America’s music industry was bursting with original rhythms and revolutionary rock n’ roll tunes. The radio played songs that stripped the dull, bland fabric from people’s lives and thrust them into a new, loud, and exciting reality. So, what happened at the turn of the decade?