The Rise and Sudden Fall of Country Boy John Denver

So Fast, So Light, So Unusual

By the time they saw it on the screen, they had tried to call Denver back, but his signal vanished at 1728 hours (5:28 p.m.). “There had been no indication of any trouble.” Witnesses saw that Denver’s plane was flying 500 feet above the water when it suddenly plummeted down.

John Denver at the 27th Annual Songwriters Hall of Fame June 12, 1996

John Denver at the 27th Annual Songwriters Hall of Fame June 12, 1996. Photo By Gary Gershoff/Mediapunch/Shutterstock

It then disintegrated on impact, 200 yards off Point Pinos. According to veteran pilots of the same kind of plane, the crash could have resulted from a number of factors considering that the plane is so fast, light and unusual.