The Rise and Sudden Fall of Country Boy John Denver

A Second, Brief Marriage

By 1982, Denver and Martell had divorced. He said his career demands drove them apart. But, according to Annie Martell, they were simply too young and immature to deal with his sudden success. Following their property settlement, Denver allegedly became abusive. He reportedly used a chainsaw to literally cut their bed in half.

Cassandra Delaney and John Denver walking in the street

Cassandra Delaney and John Denver 1988. Photo by Rick Wilson / ANL / Shutterstock

In 1988, Denver married Australian actress Cassandra Delaney after dating her for two years. The couple lived in Denver’s home in Aspen, and they had a daughter together named Jesse Belle. Three years later, they were separated. By 1993, they were divorced. Of his marriage to Delaney, Denver recalled that “before our short-lived marriage ended in divorce, she managed to make a fool of me from one end of the valley to the other.”