The Real Blues Brothers: the Untold Story Behind the Band and the Film

Forming the Band

It was SNL band keyboardist Paul Shaffer, who suggested that they keep some of the members of SNL’s resident band while bringing in key players with credentials in blues, jazz and R&B. With the help of Shaffer, Belushi and Aykroyd started getting together a collection of studio talents to form their band.

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John Belushi ‘Joliet’ Jake Blues (as Jake), Dan Aykroyd Elwood Blues (as Elwood), Steve ‘The Colonel’ Cropper, Donald ‘Duck’ Dunn, Matt ‘Guitar’ Murphy, Murphy ‘Murph’ Dunne, Tom “Bones” Malone, Alan Rubin Mr. Fabulous, Lou ‘Blue Lou’ Marini, Willie ‘Too Big’ Hall. Source:

The SNL band members that Shaffer said were worthwhile keeping were saxophonist “Blue” Lou Marini and trombonist-saxophonist Tom Malone (who used to play in Blood, Sweat & Tears). There was also guitarist Steve Cropper and bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn (from Booker T and the M.G.’s). Belushi called them up, turned on his charm, and essentially lured them into the band. But they still needed a trumpeter and blues guitarist, so Belushi got Juilliard-trained trumpeter Alan Rubin and guitarist Matt “Guitar” Murphy, who already performed with blues legends.