The Rarely Told True Story of Alice in Chains’ Leading Man: Layne Staley

From Sleze to Alice N’ Chains

Staley started playing drums when he was 12 years old. He was the drummer in a number of glam bands (also known as pop-metal or new wave metal) in his early teens. But by that point, his mind was set on being a singer. It was in 1984 that Staley joined a group of Shorewood High students, a band who called themselves Sleze.

Layne Staley as a teenager.

Source: Pinterest

The group, by the way, also featured future members of The Dehumanizers and Second Coming. By the time 1985 rolled around, Staley and his band Sleze made a cameo in a low-budget movie called ‘Father Rock’ from Seattle’s Public Access Channel. And by 1986, Sleze morphed into Alice N’ Chains, a group Staley said: “dressed in drag and played speed metal.”