The Muse and the Music: Amazing People That Inspired 50 Beautiful Songs

Some beautiful songs were inspired by real-life events that took place in the artist’s life. Won’t you like to know the backstory to your favorite song, or the frame of mind that the artist was in when they wrote/composed/performed it? Of course, you would. Sometimes, the inspiration was a former lover, while other times, a simple magazine cover was enough to pull a song from a creative genius’ mind. Read on as we shed light on the elaborate backstories of some of your favorite songs:

1. Billy Joel – She’s Always a Woman

“She’s Always a Woman” is the finest work Billy Joel has produced throughout his illustrious career.


The 1977 song presents the story of a woman who Billy is genuinely in love with, despite her flaws and shortcomings. The woman he is referring to here is Elizabeth Weber Small, his ex-wife.