The Life of a Rat Pack Member: Sammy Davis Jr.

John F. Kennedy Hung Out with the Rat Pack

Surprisingly, not all the Rat Pack members enjoyed special massages in Vegas from these ‘ladies of the night.’ Paul Anka claimed that he never partook in prostitution. Even though he would watch Sinatra leave the steam room chats for private massages, Anka just wasn’t interested.

Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, and Sammy Davis Jr

Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, and Sammy Davis Jr. Photo by Globe Photos / Shutterstock

Anka never personally participated, but he did admit that many prominent members of society (who were associated with the Rat Pack) did. One example is John F. Kennedy. At the time, he was just a senator, and would allegedly go to Vegas and hire prostitutes. Comedian Bob Hope was another one; apparently, he got special massages every day and had women “all over the place.”