The Life of a Rat Pack Member: Sammy Davis Jr.

Sammy’s Fake Marriage

Sammy Davis Jr. went through his phonebook, looking for a suitable and appropriate wife. He chose a former Broadway dancer, Loray White; you may recognize her from Cecil B. DeMille’s 1956 hit, The Ten Commandments. Apparently, he sat her down and asked if she would marry him later that year for an undisclosed amount of money. She agreed, and the couple walked down the aisle.

Sammy Davis Jr and Loray White at their wedding drinking from a large glass next to their cake

Sammy Davis Jr and Loray White. Source: Pinterest

Sammy was getting congratulated, and Loray was happy with the arrangement. She was looking forward to the benefits that come with being Mrs. Sammy Davis Jr. Unfortunately, she quickly realized this fantasy was just a façade. Sammy paid Loray $25,000 to divorce him, six months after the wedding.