The Life of a Rat Pack Member: Sammy Davis Jr.

Meeting Kim Novak

As a celebrity of color, Sammy Davis Jr. didn’t have the best rap, specifically among black audiences. Still, he was genuinely liked by other actors and musicians. The performer had a preference for dating gorgeous blondes, so it’s not surprising that he hit it off with Kim Novak, a rising star. In 1957, the pair were introduced by actor, Tony Curtis.

Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Curtis at a party

Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Curtis at a party. Photo by Globe Photos / Mediapunch / Shutterstock

Curtis told Vanity Fair, “[Sammy] didn’t want to create problems, so I said, ‘I’m going to have a party at my house. Come on by, and I’ll invite Kim.’ They both came over, and they spent the evening together – deep in thought, deep in talk. I could see right from the beginning that they were getting along in an intense wat, and that was the beginning of the relationship.”