The Life of a Rat Pack Member: Sammy Davis Jr.

Conditional Love

According to Vanity Fair, “Davis had spent the first half of his career making himself loved by the white world, and the second half trying to make himself loved by the black world.” Marsh claimed that was why he tied the knot with Altovise: “That’s the reason he married Altovise Gore. She was a black woman. It would open up more doors to his being accepted.”

Altovise and Sammy Davis Jr

Altovise and Sammy Davis Jr. Photo by Alan Davidson / Shutterstock

Sammy Davis Jr. and Altovise Gore played siblings in Golden Boy, and they got married in 1970. When describing their relationship, Gore said their love was real, and Sammy loved her “unconditionally. We loved each other very much. I was like a kid in a candy store, and he wanted me to have the best.”