The Life of a Rat Pack Member: Sammy Davis Jr.

Adoptive or Biological Son?

Sammy’s daughter was his only biological child, but he also has three sons that he adopted. One of his adopted sons, Mark, found out that Sammy wasn’t actually his biological father. After reading about his adoption in a Life magazine article in 1960, Mark knew. However, he found his birth certificate in 2013.

Sammy Davis Jr

Sammy Davis Jr. Photo by Adam Scull / photolink / mediapunch / Shutterstock

The birth certificate listed Sammy Davis Jr. as the father. After taking a DNA test to verify it, he found out that Sammy was, in fact, his adoptive father. But that doesn’t make him any less of a dad. Mark recalled that his dad’s last heartbreaking words to him were, “You are my son.”