The Legend of Daniel Johnston

Making Home Videos With His Brother

Daniel and his brother made a home video together, and Daniel played his mother and himself. The film portrayed him as more of a lazy teenager who doesn’t have the strength to get up and do things. Mabel says that her son always wanted to be a comic, and it shows through this video.

A screenshot of Daniel sitting at the kitchen table with his brother pouring popcorn kernels and green Jell-O into a bowl for him to eat.

Source: Screenshot / Sony Classic

Daniel also plays his mother in the video, who nags him to wake up for school. She believes this is how he sees her. The comedy comes out even more so when a cat gets thrown, and he feeds himself a bowl of green Jell-O and popcorn kernels. Johnston would continue to make home videos throughout his entire career, which is where most of the old footage for this documentary comes from.