The Beach Boys’ Tragic Real-Life Story

A Mean Father

Psychological abuse was also apparent. When they were young children, their dad would take out his glass eye and make the boys stare into the wide-open hole. Gross!

As their manager, Murry followed them and continuously berated them, calling them losers, worthless, and failures. In 2010, The Guardian reported on a letter found that was addressed to Brian and handwritten by Murry.

Letter from Murry Wilson to Dennis

Source: Reddit

The letter dates back to May 8th, 1965, when the Beach Boys song, “Help Me, Rhonda,” was a chart-topping success. The letter said (in part), “It has become very apparent to me that the family cannot exist under the worrisome and trying conditions… No matter how many hit songs you write or how many hundreds of dollars, you may earn… you are going to suffer remorse.”