Randy Rhoads: The Plane Crash That Changed Ozzy Osbourne’s Life

Keeping a Watchful Eye

When Black Sabbath decided they had finally had enough with Osbourne’s antics in 1979, the singer began a three-month binge of drugs and alcohol. “My thinking was, ‘This is my last party because after this I’m going back to Birmingham and the dole,’” Osbourne told Classic Rock Magazine in 2012.

Ozzy Osbourne lounging on a couch

Photo by Ian Dickson / Shutterstock

However, Black Sabbath manager Don Arden wasn’t done with Osbourne yet. He signed him to Jet Records and sent his daughter Sharon to keep a watchful eye on his investment. At first, Arden hoped that Black Sabbath would eventually take Osbourne back, and he tried to convince the Prince of Darkness to name his new band the “Son of Sabbath.” Osbourne hated both ideas.