Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin, and the Man Who Made Them Very, Very Rich

A Rock Star Without a Band

By early 1968, Page was at a crossroads in his career. The famed guitar ace was yet again a rock star without a band. He had spent the last two years playing in the Yardbirds, which initially was a dual-lead passion project with his childhood friend Jeff Beck. But when Beck upped and left in the middle of an American tour, Page was put front and center.

The Yardbirds standing on a crossword puzzle background in front of their instruments

Photo by Mediapunch / Shutterstock

After another brief tour through the US, the band suddenly called it a day. Different members of the group said they wanted to pursue other artistic paths. Of course, Page was upset. But he had an idea of what he should do next. And this next move was going to be a big one.