Guns Not Roses: The Untold Stories of Feuding Band Members

Creedence Clearwater Revival Never Revived Their Friendship

John Fogerty was the genius behind CCR’s work. He wrote, produced, and mixed all of the songs. But not only did he take over musically, but he also insisted on managing the whole parade as well. While his songs were incredible, the singer didn’t know how to manage a band. Eventually, his bandmates became furious and grew tired of his stubbornness.

Creedence Clearwater Revival posing on a railing at Heathrow airport circa 1970

Photo by Howard / ANL / Shutterstock

John’s inability to see beyond himself led to their disbandment in 1972. But the tension never disappeared. When the group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993, John refused to play with his bandmates, so he called in Robbie Robertson and Bruce Springsteen instead. I guess time doesn’t always heal all wounds…