David Bowie’s Legendary Characters and Cool Backstories

Space Oddity Was Timed Perfectly

The legendary song was released on July 11th, 1969, a mere nine days before the Apollo 11 aircraft landed on the moon. On July 16th, 1969, astronauts onboard Apollo 11 made the first moon landing, and Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin became the first people to step foot on another planet.

A photo of David Bowie sitting on a clear blow up mattress

Photo by RB / Redferns / Getty Images

“Space Oddity” became one of the many theme songs of this historic event. The British Broadcast Company (the BBC) used the song in their coverage of the first moon landing. This would help Bowie come up in the music scene in the U.K. even further. It ended up being his first big hit in the U.K.