8 Mile: Eminem’s Real Life vs. the Movie

Quentin Tarantino Almost Directed

Two of the most renowned filmmakers in Hollywood history wanted to direct Eminem’s motion picture – Danny Boyle and Quentin Tarantino – and both of them were incredibly close to getting the gig. Boyle even met with Eminem and producers but came to the conclusion that Boyle wouldn’t be able to direct the movie the way he wanted due to creative differences.

A portrait of Quentin Tarantino.

Photo by Mark Mainz/Getty Images

Quentin Tarantino wasn’t as close as Boyle, but rumor has it that Tarantino was extremely interested in working on the film. The only problem was that taking on the film would mean that Tarantino would have had to back out of making Kill Bill, which wasn’t really an option.